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TigerLily; The Spa at Merle Norman

Discover how GEORGOUS your skin can be!

Frequently Asked Questions

The number one reason people give for not having spa services done is that they don't know what to expect. Our desire is to take the guess work out of choosing a service so that you can make an infor​med decision about what treatment or facial is best suited for you, your skin and your desired outcome. On this page, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about spa services, however, if you have a question that we aren't addressing, please feel free to call us at 864-850-7700.

Q: Your menu list 6 types of "peels". How do I know which peel is right for me?

A: Chemical Peels are categorized by the depth at which they work; superficial, medium and deep. Once you determine how deep you want your peel to be, you will want to decide what skin issues you want to address.  

Understanding Chemical Peels​





Superficial or Lunchtime Peels - 

For a gentle exfoliation

- Low Level Glycolic Peels

- Lactic Acid Peels

- Salicylic Acid Peels

1 - 3 Days​

- Acne Breakout

- Smooths Rough Skin

- Mild Discoloration

- Brightens Skin

Medium Peels - Reaches the middle layers of the skin to repair mild to moderate damage

 - High Level Glycolic Peels

- TCA Peels

- Modified Jessner's Peels

4 - 7 Days

- Fine Lines and Wrinkles

- Age Spots, Freckles and Sun Damage

- Moderate Skin Discoloration

- Modest Tightening of Skin

Deep or Medical Peels- 

Reaches deeper into the middle layers of the skin to remove and repair damage

 - Jessner's Peels

- Phenol Peels

14 - 21 Days

- Removes Fine to Moderate Lines

- Age Spots, Freckles and Shallow Scars

- Brightens, Smooths and Tightens Skin

* Our DiamondPeel Facial combines the results of a chemical peel and diamondermabrsaion (microdermabration) to achieve the most dramatic outcome. Due to the intensity of combining these two treatments, we only use superficial level chemical peels in this treatment.

Q: How do I decide which lash service is right for me?

A: Lash Lift & Tint is a service that is a perfect fit for those with full natural lashes that just need a boost and color enhancement. It's like using a lash curler but only having to use it every other month.

Lash Extensions are designed for those who desire longer and or fuller lashes or who wish for a more dramatic lash line. It is also great for those who don't want to wear mascara as mascara use is not recommended for lash extensions. Fill in are required to maintain lash extensions and are best at three to four week intervals.

Lash Extensions come in three styles.

Classic - A lash to lash application, meaning that for every lash you have, one extension will be applied. This is perfect for those wanting a more natural look.

Mixed - This is a blend of single lashes and fan or volume lashes. This blend is good for those who do not have a lot of natural lashes and want a fuller look that is still natural, or for those with plenty of natural lashes but that want a more dramatic look.

Volume - This is when fans of multiple (3 -6) lashes are applied to one natural lash. Fans are made up of thinner lashes than those used for classic lash extensions, which allows multiple lashes to be used. Volume lashes are perfect for those wanting a fuller, dramatic lash application.

What is Light Therapy?

Certain frequencies of light significantly increase new tissue growth and stimulates collagen production thus reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

This therapy triggers the body to convert light energy into cell energy without thermal heat, stimulating new collagen growth in the treated area.

Light Therapy is proven to be an effective treatment for aging skin, Acne Skin as well as particular conditions like Rosacea.

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